Download Software GeoGebra 4.2 Gratis
xmia1smansa - GeoGebra adalah software matematika populer yang dapat membantu memecahkan soal-soal geometri, aljabar, dan kalkulus. Dengan software ini, kita dapat membuat berbagai objek geometri
berdasarkan titik, segmen, vektor, maupun garis. Misalnya pada mode
Algebra, kita dapat membuat sebuah objek maupun representasi grafis dari
berbagai fungsi seperti fungsi linear, fungsi kuadrat, persamaan garis
lurus, dan lain-lain.
GeoGebra juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk menyusun soal
matematika bagi guru karena salah satu keunggulannya adalah output
GeoGebra dapat disimpan sebagai image yang kemudian dapat disisipkan
pada dokumen. Untuk mendownloadnya, anda bisa meng klik link yang berada di bawah.
General Features
- added function log(b, x) for base b
- Worksheet export: Option to embed the ggb file into the HTML (encoded as Base64, uses the 'ggbBase64' parameter)
- Export as 'Animated GIF' (animation is controlled using a slider as the "clock")
- Compass Tool allows selecting a circle first then a center point
- 'Integer' and 'Random' option for sliders
- File -> Open Webpage allows loading of ggb files from webpages by pasting a URL from a browser (ending .html or .ggb). Also allows loading of files encoded as a Base 64 or GeoGebra XML string.
- "Show trimmed intersecting lines" option for intersection points
- Tooltip options (Object Properties -> Advanced) On, Off, Caption, Next Cell, Automatic (old behaviour: only when Algebra View is open)
- Proper display of formulas and matrices in the spreadsheet
- When an expression like ab + 1 is entered, if the variable ab is undefined then it is automatically created as ab = a * b if a and b are Numbers, or ab = Distance[a,b] if a and b are Points.
- FormulaText]][ <Matrix> ], FormulaText]][ <Vector> ] now display nicely
- support for csc(x), sec(x), cot(x), csch(x), sech(x), coth(x) and derivatives
- Algebra View: you can now shift-click to select multiple objects
- sqrt(3 + i), cbrt(3 + i), conjugate(3 + i), arg(3 + i)
- "Import Data" option in the Spreadsheet context menu
- Windows-style keycodes now work in Text Fields (eg Alt-0176 for °) [not Mac OSX]
- Support for entering Unicode digits as part of expressions eg Eastern Arabic, Thai
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